knapa lha aq bworink sgat skrg nie..?? nk on9 pun bknnya bleh hari2... yg menyerikn hdup aq nie pun cma k-pop jak.. takde benda len ker?? aiissy,skrg nie hati aq dh skit mracau coz diketuk oleh seorg llaki... ala,besala nma pun prempuan msti ada feeling nie.. i start speaking,ok?? actually,i don't know since when i have this feeling towards him.. but,i will keep this feeling until forever(myb).. bcoz,our ustazah said it was jihad if wee keep the feeling... i don't know to express this feeling...!! if my frens see this just understand it ok?? i know that blog was sorta kinda a place for express feelings.. isn't it??? soo,i'm a new comer here,plus now bored3... doing nothing at home,except doing homework... sigh........ why i do this? bcoz it's responsible.. haha.. lol.. ok,gotta go now.. later or myb next month or next year(kidding) i wrote it again.... BUUBBYAEE..!!!!